Salomon Ligthelm on Work in Process

Absolutely fantastic conversation with one of my favorite filmmakers.

I need to do some more digging into this show, I’m honestly kind of confused by their branding and who is producing this; this took me a minute to find. Here’s the Apple Podcasts link. But I wanted to find the first episode which is 100% on par with this one, a conversation with Ryan Booth.

July 23, 2024 links video bts podcasts

Apple TV+ The Dark Matter Title Sequence: How We Created It Three Times

Try try again.

I think I’m old enough now to say I did enjoy the book a little more, but this story has a soft spot in me that I’ll love it all equally.

July 2, 2024 links video design

Summer in the city

Summer Field

Summer Field

June 22, 2024 photos personal

After Effects plugins update Q2 2024

Maybe I should just call this Q3 update, I don’t know.

  • Queue Work Area | $15 suggested - Description is in the title.
  • kBar | $40 - This kind of cracked the seal on getting new plugins, but I really should have got this years ago. So far, it’s most used for running Ease Copy.
  • Slides & Grids | $58 - Got this for a specific project and I would say has already paid for itself within 24 hours.
  • Flex | $25 - This is actually a great deal bundled with Slides & Grids (above). I tried (the trials) of this first, and didn’t quite get what I needed. Looking forward to using it though.

June 3, 2024 tech video after effects

iPhone 13 mini discontinued - The Verge

I will cherish my vintage 3-year old relic for as long as possible.

April 29, 2024 tech links

April 27, 2024 photos personal